Jake Heyerdahl here, I like solving interesting problems and making things that help people live better lives.
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A breakdown of my redesign of Pluralsight’s most trafficked page.
A customizable biofeedback smart watch app to help people control their anxiety.
A wearable biosensor intervention for people suffering from addictions.
Specifically targeted at breaking the addiction feedback loop in opioid addiction and preventing death from overdose.
An augmented reality mobile experience, where you learn the history of the ancient Greek Statue, The Resting Satyr.
Made in conjunction with the Eskenazi Museum of Art.
A test piece of cultural exchange, Plattr attempts to utilize food as a universal medium for communication. In this case study, I lay out how food can play a role in bridging cultural and societal chasms.
Designing experiences is an infinitely complex task, but I think that there are a few things organizations can do to ensure they succeed in the experiential economy.
CoLucidation is an informative look into how a focus on collaboration can improve the onboarding for new stakeholders, while alleviating the teaching load from the host organization. Lucidchart
Check out my capstone updates related to biofeedback interactions.
Artificial intelligence has a fundamental flaw that gives us humans a chance for survival and brain computer interfaces might give us that edge.